Saturday, June 4, 2011

Stephen King citation 20

Stephen King had some negative input on the popular movie Twilight. The article on this is in the above link. He also explains how to make vampires scary again. Another shocking factm revealed at this website is that he had published a poem in Playboy.

Stephen King citation 19

There are plenty of StephenKing related articles at the following link. Numerous images, links, books,videos, fan picks, a fan club, and answers to fans questions can be found on there as well. There are alot of Stephen King articles at this website. Some of them are.... "The Long Walk Film(1988) starring the cast of Stand By Me.,"My opinion on Misery", and "Children of the Corn!". These are just a few of the many Stephen King articles. Most of which are posts by user Cherry9090.

Stephen King citation 18

At the above link Stephen King publishes his own article on himself and leaves a part for bloggers to leave their input

Stephen King citation 17,8599,1687229,00.html

In the link above is an article in the Time Magazine about Stephen King. The author of it is interviewing him and asking questions that many fans would be curios to know.

Stephen King citation 16

Stephen King has many books but some of the best can be found at the link above. At this website you'll find the 15 greatest books by the very famous author Stephen King. With "Carrie" being the last on the last and "The Shining" The first. That's basically all you'll find at this site on Stephen King other than blogs from fans.

Stephen King citation 15

Stephen King's stories are so anticipated that some of them are sold for very high prices and those books can be found at the above limk

Stephen King citation 14

There are many Stephen King books to choose from at the above link.And there are some interesting facts from one of the most popular writers of all time. For example the fact that he has written over 40 books including a 7 part series of novels, a 6 part novel, and numerous short stories. Links and photos can be found here as swell.