Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Steven King citation 5

  • Digg(tweet) "Books:King of Horror" (October 06,1996, Monday)
"Pennywise, a brightly dressed clown, beguiles the young passers-by. The lucky ones elude the creature. The others are never seen again -- alive. This is obviously not your average Ringling Bros. fool with bulbous nose and orange sideburns. When it shucks off its costume, it resembles a spider. Or a crawling eye. Or a mummy. Its breath is foul, its eyes are mere holes, and its diet consists of human entrees. Pennywise's address is the sewers of Derry, Me., but the monster is only renting there. Its permanent home is a far stranger dwelling: the mind of Stephen Edwin King."

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,962461,00.html#ixzz1NuYz2gJu

There's plenty more information in this 10 page article. At the website timemagazine.com under the search name Stephen King. And in the link above. Penny is just one of his many famous characters from his hit movie and book "IT". Also Carrie and the tommyknockers. 

Monday, May 30, 2011

Stephen King citation 4

What Is Stephen King Trying To Prove?
Stephen King is addicted to writing. It isn't a matter of liking to write or even loving it. He needs it, chemically, the way years ago he needed his cocaine and his beer, sometimes a case a day. ''Writing is just this great big conduit, this outflow pipe that keeps the pressure nice and even,'' he says.

The purpose of this article is to give a little insight on what type of person stephen King was before becoming the successful writer/author he is today. it also shows how passionate he is about what he does. even by directing his addiction to negative things that were bad for him to something positive. 

Monday, May 23, 2011

Stephen King citation 3

My third citation was in a novel by Stephen King called CELL. This book was published in 2006. For more information you can register online at simonsays.com. It also lets you know that the author lives in Maine with his wife Tabitha King and that he doesn't own a cell phone for some odd reason. In this book, just like the author the main character is from Maine. He wants to be able to take care of his family and once he thinks he's got his big break doing comedy he buys cell phones for him and the family. But that becomes a big mistake when he realizes his latest decent gesture could cause the lives of his loved ones.

Stephen king citation 2

Just yesterday it was announced that MGM was suiting up to do a remake of the horror classic Carrie, about a teenager girl with telekinetic powers who is pushed by her peers' elaborate bullying to wreak havoc on her highschool prom. The original novel for which Carrie was the basis of was Written by literary hero Steven King. Now today, Steven Kinghas shared a few words with Entertainment Weekly and this is what he had to say: "I've heard rumb… »

This is my second Steven King citation. Plans of a remake of one of Stephen's old classics from website imdb.com. It was an article posted on there. They even joked about the possibility of starring Linsey Lohan as the star character Carrie. Who knows what will happen. Anything's possible!

Stephen King Blog citation 1


This website gives plenty of information about not only the author, but the latest news,essays,poems,achievements etc as well. There's also pictures of him and links to all of his horror movies and books. Based on the information i've collected from this website, his full name is Stephen Edwin King. He was born in Portland, Maine in 1947 to parents Donald and Nellie Ruth Pillsbury King. And he still has new books coming out